From Brazil to the world:
Cheese bread
A delicacy of national cuisine, the cheese bread carries the very taste of Brazil. This "good train", which originally had its image strongly linked to Minas Gerais due to its great versatility and because it pleases everyone, has gradually gained the taste of other peoples and today even has a certain international accent.
Delicacy has gained space internationally
This new market that is opening up has proven to be a promising opportunity for Brazilian investors. Two of the major national producers of this product, Maricota and Forno de Minas already had, in 2018, respectively, around 5% and 7% of their sales in exports. Furthermore, there is a forecast that the acceptance and demand for this food abroad will grow over time, as the Brazilian government, in partnership with ABBA (Brazilian Association of Exporters and Importers of Beverages and Food), launched the project "Brazilian flavors" which promotes products such as tapioca, coconut water and cheese bread.
High sales abroad
Despite still being a new market, the export of cheese bread has already shown very satisfactory results. In the first half of 2018, for example, the Ministry of Industry, Foreign Trade and Services showed that only in Minas Gerais, mixtures and pastes for bakery, pastry and biscuit industry preparations - which include cheese bread - totaled more than US$ 4.212 million, an increase of 47% compared to the same period last year. Cheese bread alone, according to Apex-Brasil (Brazilian Investment Promotion Agency), had a total of US$ 19.6 million in sales abroad in 2017, higher than cachaça, for example.
The importance of assistance from an international consultancy
However, it is of paramount importance that anyone seeking their share in the international market pays attention to the best places to export, as well as possible barriers that the product may encounter along the way. That is why it is essential to provide adequate guidance in this process, which, if done correctly, will lead to a successful investment.
By Felipe Jukemura on 11/07/2019