Brazilian researcher is nominated to chair the IPCC
This Monday (10), the Brazilian government announced the appointment of Brazilian researcher, Thelma Krug, to chair the UN climate change body, the Panel Intergovernmental Committee on Climate Change (IPCC).
About the organ
The IPCC was created in 1998 by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) in order to regulate future steps humanity with regard to climate issues. Thus, such an association was fundamental to comply with environmental goals and international negotiations, such as the Kyoto Protocol, in 1997, and the Paris Agreement, in 2015. Furthermore, the institution has the function of disseminating scientific data regarding supranational policies and their impacts in the world.
Krug Trajectory
The Brazilian researcher has a degree in mathematics from Roosevelt University, in Chicago, and a doctorate in spatial statistics from the University of Sheffield, in England. Despite working as a researcher at the National Institute for Space Research, she built her career over the years, reaching, in 2016, the directorship of the Ministry of the Environment. Furthermore, it should be mentioned his familiarity with the IPCC, since he co-chaired the body from 2002 to 2015, occupying since 2015, one of the three vice-chairs of the Panel.
What can we conclude?
If elected, Krug will be the first woman and Latin American representative to hold such a title of leadership within the IPCC. If it happens, it will be a milestone for international politics, as it encourages gender equality and the occupation of women in leadership positions in international organizations, positions which are generally occupied by men born in great powers.
Also, it should be mentioned that the elections will take place from the 24th to the 28th of July in Nairobi, Kenya.
By: Giulia Cabete on 04/14/2023